FedEx Drop Off Near Me in Plainview, NY

List of Plainview FedEx Drop Offs

Addresses, phone numbers, and business hours for FedEx Drop Offs in Plainview, NY.

FedEx Drop Off Plainview NY 1117 Old Country Rd 11803

FedEx Drop Off Plainview NY 125 E Bethpage Rd 11803

FedEx Drop Off Plainview NY 151 Sunnyside Boulevard 11803

FedEx Drop Off Plainview NY 1670 Old Country Road 11803

FedEx Drop Off Plainview NY 1662 Old Country Rd 11803

FedEx Drop Off Plainview NY 255 Executive Drive 11803

FedEx Drop Off Plainview NY 48 S Service Rd 11803

FedEx Drop Off Plainview NY 51 East Bethpage Road 11803

FedEx Drop Off Plainview NY 7 Fairchild Court 11803

FedEx Drop Off Plainview NY 888 Old Country Rd 11803

About FedEx Drop Offs

FedEx Drop Off locations are places where you can drop off a prepaid package for delivery by FedEx. FedEx offers multiple Drop Off options, including FedEx Office locations, FedEx Ship Centers, FedEx Ship Sites at Office Depot and OfficeMax, FedEx Express Drop Boxes, and FedEx Freight locations. There are over 45,000 FedEx Drop Off locations worldwide. Most FedEx Drop Off locations accept both international and domestic shipments, and some offer Saturday pickups.