FedEx Near Me in Brighton, MI

FedEx Drop Off Near Me in Brighton, MI

FedEx Drop Off Brighton MI 100 Charles H Orndorf 48116

FedEx Drop Off Brighton MI 10355 Citation Drive 48116

FedEx Drop Off Brighton MI 10524 East Grand River Avenue 48116

FedEx Drop Off Brighton MI 201 East Grand River Avenue 48116

FedEx Drop Off Brighton MI 230 N 2nd St 48116

FedEx Drop Off Brighton MI 3452 S Old US Highway 23 48114

FedEx Drop Off Brighton MI 6870 Grand River Rd 48114

FedEx Drop Off Brighton MI 7305 Grand River Avenue 48114

FedEx Drop Off Brighton MI 7258 Kensington Road 48116

FedEx Drop Off Brighton MI 7600 Grand River Avenue 48114

FedEx Drop Off Brighton MI 8063 Challis Rd 48116

FedEx Drop Off Brighton MI 8137 Grand River Rd 48114

FedEx Drop Off Brighton MI 8673 W Grand River Ave 48116

FedEx Drop Off Brighton MI 9912 East Grand River Avenue 48116

FedEx Office Near Me in Brighton, MI

FedEx Office Brighton MI 8673 West Grand River Avenue 48116 810-225-4495

About FedEx

FedEx began as Federal Express in 1971, when Frederick W. Smith founded the company Little Rock, AR. The company name was shortened to FedEx in 1994, and today FedEx offers a global shipping network, package and freight services, and business center services. FedEx became a public company in 1978 and trades on the NYSE as FDX. FedEx's Global Air Hub and corporate headquarters are in Memphis, TN.