FedEx Near Me in Escondido, CA

FedEx Drop Off Near Me in Escondido, CA

FedEx Drop Off Escondido CA 1157 West Mission Avenue 92025

FedEx Drop Off Escondido CA 1354 West Valley Parkway 92029

FedEx Drop Off Escondido CA 1770 East Valley Parkway 92027

FedEx Drop Off Escondido CA 403 North Escondido Boulevard 92025

FedEx Drop Off Escondido CA 420 North Andreason Drive 92029

FedEx Drop Off Escondido CA 550 Howard Ave 92029

FedEx Drop Off Escondido CA 613 West Valley Parkway 92025

FedEx Drop Off Escondido CA 8860 Lawrence Welk Dr 92026

FedEx Ship Center Near Me in Escondido, CA

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter Escondido CA 970 West Valley Parkway 92025 760-480-9140

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter Escondido CA 1835 S Centre City Pkwy Ste A 92025 760-738-8000

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter Escondido CA 243 S Escondido Blvd 92025 760-741-7639

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter Escondido CA 1341 East Valley Parkway 92027 760-738-1819

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter Escondido CA 1026 W El Norte Pkwy 92026 760-480-4103

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter Escondido CA 1637 East Valley Parkway 92027 619-747-7828

FedEx Office Near Me in Escondido, CA

FedEx Office Escondido CA 1354 West Valley Parkway 92029 760-747-2945

About FedEx

FedEx began as Federal Express in 1971, when Frederick W. Smith founded the company Little Rock, AR. The company name was shortened to FedEx in 1994, and today FedEx offers a global shipping network, package and freight services, and business center services. FedEx became a public company in 1978 and trades on the NYSE as FDX. FedEx's Global Air Hub and corporate headquarters are in Memphis, TN.