FedEx Near Me in Iowa, IA

FedEx Drop Off Near Me in Iowa, IA

FedEx Drop Off Iowa IA 1 Elliot Drive 52242

FedEx Drop Off Iowa IA 1410 Willow Creek Court 52246

FedEx Drop Off Iowa IA 2 East Benton Street 52240

FedEx Drop Off Iowa IA 200 Hawkins Drive 52242

FedEx Drop Off Iowa IA 200 Hawkins Dr 52242

FedEx Drop Off Iowa IA 201 South Clinton Street 52240

FedEx Drop Off Iowa IA 2405 Towncrest Dr 52240

FedEx Drop Off Iowa IA 2615 Northgate Drive 52245

FedEx Drop Off Iowa IA 400 South Clinton Street 52240

FedEx Drop Off Iowa IA 50 Newton Road 52246

FedEx Drop Off Iowa IA 500 Newton Road 52246

FedEx Ship Center Near Me in Iowa, IA

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter Iowa IA 308 East Burlington Street 52240 319-354-2113

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter Iowa IA 1755 Boyrum St 52240 319-351-5800

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter Iowa IA 124 East Washington Street 52240 319-351-3500

About FedEx

FedEx began as Federal Express in 1971, when Frederick W. Smith founded the company Little Rock, AR. The company name was shortened to FedEx in 1994, and today FedEx offers a global shipping network, package and freight services, and business center services. FedEx became a public company in 1978 and trades on the NYSE as FDX. FedEx's Global Air Hub and corporate headquarters are in Memphis, TN.