FedEx Office Near Me in Santa Fe, NM

List of Santa Fe FedEx Offices

Addresses, phone numbers, and business hours for FedEx Offices in Santa Fe, NM.

FedEx Office Santa Fe NM 301 North Guadalupe Street 87501 505-982-6311

FedEx Office Santa Fe NM 730 Saint Michaels Dr Ste 3E 87505 505-473-7303

About FedEx Offices

FedEx Office is a retail location owned by FedEx that offers domestic and international shipping services, packing services, and shipping boxes and packing supplies. In addition to packaging and shipping, FedEx Office offers office supplies and services, including online and in-center printing for personal and business use. Printing services include flyers, posters, brochures, and business cards. Some FedEx office locations also provide computer rental workstations, fax services, and passport photos.