FedEx Ship Center Near Me in San Francisco, CA

List of San Francisco FedEx Ship Centers

Addresses, phone numbers, and business hours for FedEx Ship Centers in San Francisco, CA.

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 3931 Alemany Boulevard 94132 650-756-8500

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 5214F Diamond Heights Blvd 94131 415-282-2100

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 221 King St 94107 415-495-6776

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 3701 Sacramento Street 94118 415-221-9817

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 3801 3rd St 94124 415-647-3801

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 3041 Mission Street 94110 415-647-3333

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 1323 Polk Street 94109 415-775-2679

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 1586 Market St 94102 415-552-4826

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 1450 Sutter St 94109 415-928-8315

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 945 Taraval Street 94116 415-661-6245

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 3053 Fillmore St 94123 415-567-7447

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 4338 California Street 94118 415-221-9847

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 1255 Howard St 94103 415-558-8100

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 1459 18th Street 94107 415-826-8757

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 548 Market St 94104 206-905-2370

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 1750 Harrison St 94103

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 237 Kearny Street 94108 415-593-0330

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 4104 24th Street 94114 415-824-1070

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 5339 Geary Boulevard 94121 415-831-5883

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 58 W Portal Ave 94127 415-661-7447

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 3739 Balboa St 94121 415-751-8315

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 3288 21st Street 94110 415-648-4620

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 912 Cole Street 94117 415-566-9777

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 2130 Fillmore St 94115 415-922-9402

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 3450 Sacramento Street 94118 415-921-6644

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 584 Castro St, Suite 524 94114 415-864-5888

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 1388 Haight Street 94117 415-551-1277

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 1517 N Point St 94123 415-923-9840

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 3181 Mission St 94110 415-550-1686

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 2636 Judah Street 94122 415-759-5076

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 2261 Market Street 94114 415-626-2575

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 350 Bay Street 94133 415-772-9022

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 1230 Market St 94102 415-621-1991

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 2912 Diamond St 94131 415-586-1000

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter San Francisco CA 3700 Geary Blvd 94118

About FedEx Ship Centers

A FedEx Ship Center is a retail shipping location that offers FedEx international and domestic shipping services. FedEx Ship Centers also accept prepaid drop-off packages, hold packages for pick up, and sell boxes and packaging supplies. Along with FedEx Office locations, FedEx Ship Centers are retail locations for FedEx services. FedEx Ship Centers are often located on-site at FedEx operating facilities, and many FedEx Ship Centers are open late and on Saturdays.