FedEx Ship Center Near Me in Sublette County, WY

List of Sublette County FedEx Ship Centers

Addresses, phone numbers, and business hours for FedEx Ship Centers in Sublette County, WY.

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter Pinedale WY 34 North Franklin Avenue 82941 307-367-7234

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter Big Piney WY 210 Front Street 83113 307-276-4747

FedEx Authorized ShipCenter Pinedale WY 26 North Tyler Avenue 82941 307-367-4461

About FedEx Ship Centers

A FedEx Ship Center is a retail shipping location that offers FedEx international and domestic shipping services. FedEx Ship Centers also accept prepaid drop-off packages, hold packages for pick up, and sell boxes and packaging supplies. Along with FedEx Office locations, FedEx Ship Centers are retail locations for FedEx services. FedEx Ship Centers are often located on-site at FedEx operating facilities, and many FedEx Ship Centers are open late and on Saturdays.