UPS Customer Center Near Me in Cook County, IL

List of Cook County UPS Customer Centers

Addresses, phone numbers, and business hours for UPS Customer Centers in Cook County, IL.

UPS Customer Center Northbrook IL 2725 Shermer Road 60062 800-742-5877

UPS Customer Center Chicago IL 225 North Michigan Avenue 60601 312-565-3879

UPS Customer Center Chicago IL 150 South Wacker Drive 60606 312-739-1809

UPS Customer Center Chicago IL 180 North LaSalle Street 60601 312-726-1064

UPS Customer Center Chicago IL 6900 West 73rd Street 60638 800-742-5877

UPS Customer Center Franklin Park IL 9545 Fullerton Avenue 60131 800-742-5877

UPS Customer Center Harvey IL 16701 Center Avenue 60426 800-742-5877

UPS Customer Center Chicago IL 1500 South Jefferson Street 60607 800-742-5877

UPS Customer Center Palatine IL 2050 North Hicks Road 60074 800-742-5877

UPS Customer Center Chicago IL 8133 South Dobson Avenue 60619 773-846-5174

UPS Customer Center Chicago IL 1400 South Jefferson Street 60607 312-942-7334

UPS Customer Center Northbrook IL 2525 Shermer Road 60062 800-742-5877

About UPS Customer Centers

A UPS Customer Center is a UPS-owned and staffed shipping location that offers UPS international, air, and ground package shipping services. UPS Customer Centers also accept prepaid drop-off packages, hold packages for pickup, and offer packaging services and supplies. Along with UPS Stores, UPS Customer Centers serve as retail locations for UPS services. UPS Customer Centers are often located on-site at UPS operating facilities.