USPS Near Me in Lake County, IL

USPS Mailbox Near Me in Lake County, IL

USPS Mailbox Mundelein IL 1100 Huntington Dr 60060

USPS Mailbox Highland Park IL 1055 Bob O Link Rd 60035

USPS Mailbox Wheeling IL 1081 E Lake Cook Rd 60090

USPS Mailbox Wauconda IL 1098 Brown Street 60084

USPS Mailbox Wheeling IL 1098 S Milwaukee Ave 60090

USPS Mailbox Grayslake IL 1108 E Washington St 60030

USPS Mailbox Grayslake IL 1101 Manchester Circle 60030

USPS Mailbox Riverwoods IL 1105 Milwaukee Ave 60015

USPS Mailbox Libertyville IL 1047 N Milwaukee Ave 60048

USPS Mailbox Deerfield IL 111 Deer Lake Rd 60015

USPS Mailbox Deerfield IL 111 S Pfingsten Rd 60015

USPS Mailbox Libertyville IL 1117 S Milwaukee Ave 60048

USPS Mailbox Barrington IL 106 Barrington Commons Ct 60010

USPS Mailbox Lincolnshire IL 10 Westminster Way 60069

USPS Mailbox Vernon Hills IL 103 Saratoga Court 60061

USPS Mailbox Deerfield IL 1020 Milwaukee Avenue 60015

USPS Mailbox Libertyville IL 101 W Rockland Rd 60048

USPS Mailbox Barrington IL 101 Lions Dr 60010

USPS Mailbox Libertyville IL 1004 Harms Ave 60048

USPS Mailbox Buffalo Grove IL 1001 Johnson Dr 60089

USPS Mailbox Wheeling IL 1000 Capitol Dr 60090

USPS Mailbox Wauconda IL 100 N Main St 60084

USPS Mailbox Buffalo Grove IL 100 Lexington Drive 60089

USPS Mailbox Highland Park IL 100 Green Bay Rd 60035

USPS Mailbox Gurnee IL 1 S Greenleaf St 60031

USPS Mailbox Gurnee IL 1 O'Plaine Road 60031

USPS Mailbox Lake Zurich IL 1 1st Bank Plz 60047

USPS Mailbox Lake Zurich IL 1120 Ensell Road 60047

Post Office Near Me in Lake County, IL

Post Offices in Lake County, IL - Find locations, hours, addresses, phone numbers, holidays, and directions to the closest Post Office near me.

Antioch Post Office Antioch IL 420 Orchard Street 60002 847-395-3482

Buffalo Grove Post Office Buffalo Grove IL 255 North Buffalo Grove Road 60089 847-520-0268

Deerfield Post Office Deerfield IL 707 Osterman Avenue 60015 847-945-0293

Downtown Barrington Post Office Barrington IL 106 Barrington Commons Ct 60010 847-381-7206

Fox Lake Post Office Fox Lake IL 33 East Grand Avenue 60020 847-587-0243

Grayslake Post Office Grayslake IL 75 Commerce Drive 60030 847-223-2787

Great Lakes Post Office Great Lakes IL 525 Bronson Ave 60088 847-688-2053

Gurnee Post Office Gurnee IL 1 North Oplaine Road 60031 847-662-6943

Highland Park Post Office Highland Park IL 833 Central Avenue 60035 847-433-3201

Highwood Post Office Highwood IL 130 Highwood Avenue 60040 847-432-0115

Ingleside Post Office Ingleside IL 604 Rollins Road 60041 847-587-7812

Island Lake Post Office Island Lake IL 129 East State Road 60042 847-526-6153

Lake Bluff Post Office Lake Bluff IL 26 East Scranton Avenue 60044 847-234-2016

Lake Forest Post Office Lake Forest IL 230 Northgate Street 60045 847-680-5464

Lake Villa Post Office Lake Villa IL 206 Cedar Avenue 60046 847-356-5995

Lake Zurich Post Office Lake Zurich IL 25 Telser Road 60047 847-438-5225

Libertyville Post Office Libertyville IL 1520 Artaius Parkway 60048 847-362-2266

Lincolnshire Post Office Lincolnshire IL 125 Schelter Road 60069 847-634-3260

Mundelein Post Office Mundelein IL 435 East Hawley Street 60060 847-566-3907

North Chicago Post Office North Chicago IL 1514 Sheridan Road 60064 847-689-1659

Round Lake Post Office Round Lake Beach IL 1940 Municipal Way 60073 847-740-6528

Russell Post Office Russell IL 43410 North Kilbourne Road 60075 847-395-0717

About USPS

The USPS, or United States Postal Service, dates back to 1775, when Benjamin Franklin became the first Postmaster General. Today, the USPS has grown into the world's largest postal delivery service, processing and delivering nearly half of the world's mail. The USPS delivers mail by plane, train, car, boat, hovercraft, and mule, and it operates the country's largest retail network. The USPS is a self-supporting government agency that does not receive tax dollars for its operating expenses.