USPS Mailbox Near Me in Floyd County, KY

List of Floyd County USPS Mailboxes

Addresses, phone numbers, and business hours for USPS Mailboxes in Floyd County, KY.

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 1009 N Lake Dr 41653

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 478 Meadows Branch Road 41653

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 3202 S Lake Dr 41653

USPS Mailbox Blue River KY 3563 KY Route 404 Ste 2 41607

USPS Mailbox Eastern KY 356 KY Route 550 41622

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 358 S Lake Dr 41653

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 363 Village Dr 41653

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 387 S Robert Dr 41653

USPS Mailbox Dana KY 4259 KY Route 1426 Ste 1 41615

USPS Mailbox Garrett KY 430 Front St 41630

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 477 Village Dr 41653

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 5000 Kentucky 321 41653

USPS Mailbox Dwale KY 310 Beaver Junction Rd 41621

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 514 N Lake Dr 41653

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 5230 Ky Route 321 41653

USPS Mailbox Banner KY 54 Hall Addition 41603

USPS Mailbox Tram KY 6 Lona St 41663

USPS Mailbox Ivel KY 6367 US Highway 23 S Ste 101 41642

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 67 Ky Rt 114 41653

USPS Mailbox David KY 6693 KY Route 404 41616

USPS Mailbox Grethel KY 6789 KY Route 979 41631

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 686 N Lake Dr 41653

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 77 N Roberts Dr 41653

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 316 S Arnold Ave 41653

USPS Mailbox Langley KY 299 Kentucky 777 41645

USPS Mailbox Harold KY 107 Laynesville Rd 41635

USPS Mailbox Minnie KY 15 Left Beaver Creek Rd Apt 1 41651

USPS Mailbox Auxier KY 11 W Market St 41602

USPS Mailbox Betsy Layne KY 11105 US Highway 23 S Ste 101 41605

USPS Mailbox Teaberry KY 11136 KY Route 979 41660

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 112 Cliffside Dr 41653

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 113 S Central Ave 41653

USPS Mailbox Martin KY 11402 Main Street 41649

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 119 Franklin Cor 41653

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 132 S Lake Dr 41653

USPS Mailbox Beaver KY 13429 Kentucky 979 41604

USPS Mailbox Allen KY 137 Court Street 41601

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 170 W Court St 41653

USPS Mailbox Printer KY 2928 KY Route 122 Ste 2 41655

USPS Mailbox Hi Hat KY 17460 Kentucky 122 41636

USPS Mailbox Stanville KY 185 E Main St 41659

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 186 Collins Cir 41653

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 1897 KY Route 321 41653

USPS Mailbox Weeksbury KY 1905 Kentucky 466 41667

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 200 North Lake Drive 41653

USPS Mailbox Melvin KY 22944 KY Route 122 41650

USPS Mailbox Lackey KY 235 KY Route 7 41643

USPS Mailbox Wayland KY 2617 King Kelly Coleman Hwy 41666

USPS Mailbox Prestonsburg KY 287 W Court St 41653

USPS Mailbox Wheelwright KY 80 Shop Fork St 41669

About USPS Mailboxes

A USPS Mailbox is a drop-box for mail to be sorted, processed, and delivered by the United States Postal Service. The USPS dates back to 1775, when Benjamin Franklin became the first Postmaster General. Today, the USPS processes and delivers billions of pieces of mail every year, many of which are received through USPS Mailboxes. Blue USPS collection boxes can be used to mail any letter, or package weighing less than 13 ounces, that has a stamp.