USPS Mailbox Near Me in Franklin County, VT

List of Franklin County USPS Mailboxes

Addresses, phone numbers, and business hours for USPS Mailboxes in Franklin County, VT.

USPS Mailbox Montgomery VT 1 Black Falls Rd 05470

USPS Mailbox Sheldon Springs VT 614 Mill St 05485

USPS Mailbox Swanton VT 39 1st St 05488

USPS Mailbox Fairfield VT 4696 Vermont 36 05455

USPS Mailbox St. Albans VT 50 South Main Street 05478

USPS Mailbox Franklin VT 5142 Hanna Rd (lobby Local) 05457

USPS Mailbox Franklin VT 5142 Hanna Rd 05457

USPS Mailbox Franklin VT 5142 Hanna Rd (lobby Mixed) 05457

USPS Mailbox St. Albans VT 571 Lake St (lobby Local) 05481

USPS Mailbox St. Albans VT 571 Lake Road 05478

USPS Mailbox St. Albans VT 571 Lake St (lobby Mixed) 05481

USPS Mailbox St. Albans VT 64 N Main St 05478

USPS Mailbox Highgate Center VT 38 St Armand Rd (lobby) 05459

USPS Mailbox Bakersfield VT 65 N Main St - Lobby Local 05441

USPS Mailbox Bakersfield VT 65 Main St N 05441

USPS Mailbox Bakersfield VT 65 N Main St - Lobby Mixed 05441

USPS Mailbox Swanton VT 66 Merchants Row 05488

USPS Mailbox St. Albans VT 75 Lower Welden Street 05479

USPS Mailbox Richford VT 80 Main St (lobby Mixed) 05476

USPS Mailbox Richford VT 80 Main St 05476

USPS Mailbox Richford VT 80 Main St (lobby Local) 05476

USPS Mailbox Swanton VT 81 First St 05488

USPS Mailbox Fairfield VT 9516 Vermont 36 05448

USPS Mailbox Highgate Center VT 38 St Armand Rd 05459

USPS Mailbox St. Albans VT 37 Kingman St 05478

USPS Mailbox Montgomery VT 1 Black Falls Rd - Lobby 05470

USPS Mailbox St. Albans VT 229 S Main St 05478

USPS Mailbox St. Albans VT 104 North Main Street 05478

USPS Mailbox St. Albans VT 108 Lake St 05478

USPS Mailbox St. Albans VT 131 Fairfield Street 05478

USPS Mailbox St. Albans VT 153 N Main St 05478

USPS Mailbox Sheldon VT 1547 Main St 05483

USPS Mailbox St. Albans VT 170 Swanton Road 05478

USPS Mailbox Swanton VT 19 Canada Street 05488

USPS Mailbox Swanton VT 21 Grand Ave 05488

USPS Mailbox Swanton VT 21 Grand Ave (lobby Mixed) 05488

USPS Mailbox Swanton VT 21 Grand Ave (local Lobby) 05488

USPS Mailbox St. Albans VT 237 Lake Street 05478

USPS Mailbox Enosburg Falls VT 34 School St (local Box) 05450

USPS Mailbox St. Albans VT 24 North Main Street 05478

USPS Mailbox St. Albans VT 27 Fisher Pond Road 05478

USPS Mailbox St. Albans VT 266 N Main St 05478

USPS Mailbox St. Albans VT 277 Swanton Road 05478

USPS Mailbox Enosburg Falls VT 2813 Vt 105 E. Berkshire 05450

USPS Mailbox Highgate Springs VT 2934 VT Route 7 05460

USPS Mailbox Highgate Springs VT 2934 Vt Rt 7 - Lobby Drop 05460

USPS Mailbox Enosburg Falls VT 34 School St (lobby Local) 05450

USPS Mailbox Enosburg Falls VT 34 School St (lobby Mixed) 05450

USPS Mailbox Enosburg Falls VT 34 School St 05450

USPS Mailbox East Fairfield VT 9516 Route 36 05448

About USPS Mailboxes

A USPS Mailbox is a drop-box for mail to be sorted, processed, and delivered by the United States Postal Service. The USPS dates back to 1775, when Benjamin Franklin became the first Postmaster General. Today, the USPS processes and delivers billions of pieces of mail every year, many of which are received through USPS Mailboxes. Blue USPS collection boxes can be used to mail any letter, or package weighing less than 13 ounces, that has a stamp.