USPS Mailbox Near Me in Marshall County, IA

List of Marshall County USPS Mailboxes

Addresses, phone numbers, and business hours for USPS Mailboxes in Marshall County, IA.

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 10 North 4th Avenue 50158

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 3302 S Center St 50158

USPS Mailbox Ferguson IA 275 1st St 50078

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 2802 S Center St 50158

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 3 South 4th Avenue 50158

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 303 W Main St 50158

USPS Mailbox St. Anthony IA 306 Main St 50239

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 309 East Linn Street 50158

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 36 E Main St 50158

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 2501 South Center Street 50158

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 36 N Center St 50158

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 402 Edgeland Dr 50158

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 411 North Center Street 50158

USPS Mailbox Haverhill IA 5 Main Street 50120

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 501 N 3rd Ave 50158

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 802 S Center St 50158

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 26 S 1st Ave 50158

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 2500 South Center Street 50158

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 102 W Anson St 50158

USPS Mailbox Clemons IA 110 Main Street 50051

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 102 South Center Street 50158

USPS Mailbox Albion IA 103 W Brown St 50005

USPS Mailbox Laurel IA 104 W Market St 50141

USPS Mailbox Gilman IA 108 N Main St 50106

USPS Mailbox Rhodes IA 108 S Main St 50234

USPS Mailbox Liscomb IA 109 Main St 50148

USPS Mailbox Melbourne IA 113 Main St 50162

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 2501 S 2nd St 50158

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 113 W Main St 50158

USPS Mailbox State Center IA 114 Main St E 50247

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 17 W Main St 50158

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 208 East Church Street 50158

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 210 W State St 50158

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 232 N 13th St 50158

USPS Mailbox Marshalltown IA 902 W Lincoln Way 50158

About USPS Mailboxes

A USPS Mailbox is a drop-box for mail to be sorted, processed, and delivered by the United States Postal Service. The USPS dates back to 1775, when Benjamin Franklin became the first Postmaster General. Today, the USPS processes and delivers billions of pieces of mail every year, many of which are received through USPS Mailboxes. Blue USPS collection boxes can be used to mail any letter, or package weighing less than 13 ounces, that has a stamp.