USPS Mailbox Near Me in Nelson County, KY

List of Nelson County USPS Mailboxes

Addresses, phone numbers, and business hours for USPS Mailboxes in Nelson County, KY.

USPS Mailbox New Hope KY 100 Church Street 40052

USPS Mailbox New Haven KY 304 Center Street 40051

USPS Mailbox Bardstown KY 900 Chambers Blvd 40004

USPS Mailbox Bardstown KY 800 American Dr 40004

USPS Mailbox Coxs Creek KY 6515 New Shepherdsville Rd 40013

USPS Mailbox Coxs Creek KY 6120 Louisville Rd 40013

USPS Mailbox New Haven KY 5707 New Haven Road 40051

USPS Mailbox Bardstown KY 510 W Stephen Foster Ave 40004

USPS Mailbox Bardstown KY 504 North 4th Street 40004

USPS Mailbox Bardstown KY 3945 New Shepherdsville Rd 40004

USPS Mailbox Bardstown KY 3675 East John Rowan Boulevard 40004

USPS Mailbox Chaplin KY 24 Old Tunnell Mill Rd 40012

USPS Mailbox Bardstown KY 1000 Harding Street 40004

USPS Mailbox Bardstown KY 228 N 3rd St 40004

USPS Mailbox Bardstown KY 213 Kentucky Home Sq 40004

USPS Mailbox Bardstown KY 205 W Stephen Foster Ave 40004

USPS Mailbox Bloomfield KY 131 Taylorsville Rd 40008

USPS Mailbox Bardstown KY 120 E Stephen Foster Ave 40004

USPS Mailbox Bardstown KY 1151 Bloomfield Road 40004

USPS Mailbox Boston KY 105 Post Office Ct 40107

USPS Mailbox Bardstown KY 105 North 3rd Street 40004

USPS Mailbox Bardstown KY 102 W John Rowan Blvd 40004

USPS Mailbox Bardstown KY 90 West John Rowan Boulevard 40004

About USPS Mailboxes

A USPS Mailbox is a drop-box for mail to be sorted, processed, and delivered by the United States Postal Service. The USPS dates back to 1775, when Benjamin Franklin became the first Postmaster General. Today, the USPS processes and delivers billions of pieces of mail every year, many of which are received through USPS Mailboxes. Blue USPS collection boxes can be used to mail any letter, or package weighing less than 13 ounces, that has a stamp.